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< span id = "console" > < span id = "a" > fazil@altinel.dev< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > find / -iname "projects"< / br >
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├── < a href = "https://github.com/avaapm/SGADA" > SGADA< / a >
| PyTorch implementation of our paper named "Self-training Guided Adversarial Domain Adaptation For Thermal Imagery" (accepted to CVPR 2021 PBVS workshop).
├── < a href = "https://github.com/fazilaltinel/ADDA.PyTorch-resnet" > ADDA-PyTorch_ResNet< / a >
| A PyTorch implementation of paper "Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation" using ResNet.
├── < a href = "https://github.com/fazilaltinel/pytorch-dann-resnet" > DANN-PyTorch-ResNet< / a >
| A PyTorch implementation of paper "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation" using ResNet.
├── < a href = "https://github.com/cvlab-tohoku/DSEBImageInpainting" > DSEBImageInpainting< / a >
| TensorFlow implementation of our paper named "Deep Structured Energy-Based Image Inpainting" (accepted to ICPR 2018).
├── < a href = "https://git.altinel.dev/fazil/SelfDrivingCarTrafficLight" > SelfDrivingCarTrafficLight< / a >
| Simple TensorFlow implementation of traffic light detection and classification tasks for Udacity annotated self-driving dataset.
├── < a href = "https://git.altinel.dev/fazil/ytMusicNotification" > ytMusicNotification< / a >
| Chrome extension to get desktop notifications when the song changes in Youtube Music.
└── < a href = "https://git.altinel.dev/fazil/ytMusicNotification" > ytMusicNotification< / a >
Chrome extension to get desktop notifications when the song changes in Youtube Music.
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