diff --git a/projects.html b/projects.html index 40db3f2..639ebd0 100644 --- a/projects.html +++ b/projects.html @@ -8,12 +8,21 @@ fazil@altinel.dev:~$ find / -iname "projects"
+├── SGADA
+|   PyTorch implementation of our paper named "Self-training Guided Adversarial Domain Adaptation For Thermal Imagery" (accepted to CVPR 2021 PBVS workshop).
+├── ADDA-PyTorch_ResNet
+|   A PyTorch implementation of paper "Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation" using ResNet.
+├── DANN-PyTorch-ResNet
+|   A PyTorch implementation of paper "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation" using ResNet.
+├── DSEBImageInpainting
+|   TensorFlow implementation of our paper named "Deep Structured Energy-Based Image Inpainting" (accepted to ICPR 2018).
 ├── SelfDrivingCarTrafficLight
 |   Simple TensorFlow implementation of traffic light detection and classification tasks for Udacity annotated self-driving dataset.
-├── ytMusicNotification
-|   Chrome extension to get desktop notifications when the song changes in Youtube Music.
 └── ytMusicNotification
     Chrome extension to get desktop notifications when the song changes in Youtube Music.