-- This is an example chadrc file , its supposed to be placed in /lua/custom dir -- lua/custom/chadrc.lua local M = {} -- make sure you maintain the structure of `core/default_config.lua` here, -- example of changing theme: M.options = { clipboard = "unnamedplus", cmdheight = 1, ruler = false, hidden = true, ignorecase = true, smartcase = true, mapleader = " ", mouse = "a", number = true, relativenumber = true, numberwidth = 2, expandtab = true, shiftwidth = 4, smartindent = true, tabstop = 4, softtabstop = 4, history = 500, nofoldenable = true, -- NvChad options nvChad = { copy_cut = true, -- copy cut text ( x key ), visual and normal mode copy_del = true, -- copy deleted text ( dd key ), visual and normal mode insert_nav = true, -- navigation in insertmode window_nav = true, -- updater update_url = "https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad", update_branch = "main", }, } M.ui = { theme = "monokai", } return M