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My name is Fazil and this is my ASCII photo.< / br >
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font > < font color = #ece5e0 > 1< / font > < font color = #ece5df > 01< / font > < br > < font color = #f1ebe7 > 0< / font > < font color = #f0e9e5 > 1< / font > < font color = #eee8e3 > 0< / font > < font color = #ede7e3 > 1< / font > < font color = #eee7e2 > 0< / font > < font color = #ede7e2 > 1< / font > < font color = #ede6e3 > 0< / font > < font color = #ece6e1 > 1< / font > < font color = #ebe4dd > 0< / font > < font color = #d2cdc6 > 1< / font > < font color = #767772 > 0< / font > < font color = #464945 > 1< / font > < font color = #191f1e > 0< / font > < font color = #0b110f > 1< / font > < font color = #060b09 > 0< / font > < font color = #121715 > 1< / font > < font color = #212827 > 0< / font > < font color = #373c3a > 1< / font > < font color = #5f5f5d > 0< / font > < font color = #c4beb8 > 1< / font > < font color = #e9e0da > 0< / font > < font color = #ece2de > 1< / font > < font color = #ece3df > 0< / font > < font color = #ece3e0 > 1< / font > < font color = #ece4e0 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< font color = #e3d9d0 > 1< / font > < font color = #eae0d8 > 0< / font > < font color = #ebe1da > 1< / font > < font color = #ece3da > 0< / font > < font color = #ebe2da > 1< / font > < font color = #ebe2d9 > 0< / font > < font color = #ebe2da > 1< / font > < font color = #ebe2db > 0< / font > < font color = #ebe3db > 1< / font > < br > < font color = #eee8e3 > 0< / font > < font color = #ede7e1 > 1< / font > < fo
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< span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > /var/www/< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > cd /home/fazil/< / br >
< span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > cat fazilaltinel.txt< br > < / br > System Architect< / br > < a href = "https://d-isum.net/" > D'isum Inc.< / a > < / br > (Tokyo, Japan)< br > < / br >
< span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > python education.py --all< br > < / br > BS, Computer Engineering, Yildiz Technical University (2010 - 2015 | Istanbul, Turkey)< / br > MSc, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University (2016 - 2018 | Sendai, Japan)< br > < / br >
< span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > python links.py --add-email< br > < / br > Codebase: < a href = "https://git.altinel.dev/fazil" > https://git.altinel.dev/fazil< / a > < / br > LinkedIn: < a href = "https://linkedin.com/in/fazilaltinel" > https://linkedin.com/in/fazilaltinel< / a > < / br > < a href = "https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FKYUC84AAAAJ&hl=en" > Google Scholar< / a > < / br > Blog posts: < a href = "/notes/" > Notes< / a > < / br > E-mail:
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< span id = "console" > < span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > conda activate academia< / br >
< span id = "console" > < span id = "a" > (academia) fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python publications.py< / br >
< pre >
├── < a href = "https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023W/PBVS/html/Ustun_Spectral_Transfer_Guided_Active_Domain_Adaptation_for_Thermal_Imagery_CVPRW_2023_paper.html" > Spectral Transfer Guided Active Domain Adaptation for Thermal Imagery< / a >
| Berkcan Ustun, Ahmet Kagan Kaya, Ezgi Cakir Ayerden, < b > Fazil Altinel< / b > . IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition < b > (CVPR)< / b > Workshops. 2023.
| < a href = "https://github.com/avaapm/STGADA" > Code< / a >
├── < a href = "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9864813" > Benchmark Analysis of Backbone Network Architectures for Domain Adaptive Object Detection< / a >
| Ahmet Kagan Kaya, Berkcan Ustun, < b > Fazil Altinel< / b > . Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference < b > (SIU)< / b > . 2022.
├── < a href = "https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2021W/PBVS/html/Akkaya_Self-Training_Guided_Adversarial_Domain_Adaptation_for_Thermal_Imagery_CVPRW_2021_paper.html" > Self-training Guided Adversarial Domain Adaptation For Thermal Imagery< / a >
| Ibrahim Batuhan Akkaya*, < b > Fazil Altinel*< / b > , Ugur Halici. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition < b > (CVPR)< / b > Workshops. 2021. (* indicates equal contribution)
| < a href = "https://github.com/avaapm/SGADA" > Code< / a > < a href = "https://avaapm.github.io/sgada/" > Webpage< / a >
├── < a href = "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9477925" > Adversarial Domain Adaptation Enhanced via Self-training< / a >
| < b > Fazil Altinel< / b > , Ibrahim Batuhan Akkaya. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference < b > (SIU)< / b > . 2021.
└── < a href = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.07939" > Deep Structured Energy-based Image Inpainting< / a >
< b > Fazil Altinel< / b > , Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani. International Conference on Pattern Recognition < b > (ICPR)< / b > . 2018.
< a href = "https://github.com/cvlab-tohoku/DSEBImageInpainting" > Code< / a >
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< span id = "console" > < span id = "a" > (academia) fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > conda deactivate< / br >
< span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > shutdown -h now< br > < / br > Click < a href = "/" > here< / a > if you want to see this page in human-readable format.< br > < / br >
< span id = "a" > fazil@localhost< / span > :< span id = "b" > ~< / span > < span id = "c" > $ < / span > < span id = "typed-cursor" class = "blinking" > ⎕< / span >
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